FWD Fact-Check: JAPAN DISPOSING MICROWAVE OVENS Debunking a Whatsapp forward about allegedly healthy and unhealthy foods, piece by piece. Read More Debunking, critical thinking, Health and Nutrition, Myths Vs Facts, FWD Fact-CheckAbhijit ChandaOctober 22, 2019japan finally ban using microwave ovens, do deoderants cause cancer, are microwaves safe for food, is microwaving food bad for your health, infrared cooking health effects, is it bad to eat microwaved food, plastic, japan microwave prohibited, toxins in food, cancer causing ingredients in deodorant, anticancer juice, cancer, health tips, do microwave ovens cause cancer, whatsapp forward messages questions, best health advice, dangers of microwave cooking, heating food in microwave side effects, japan microwave ovens Comments