Frequently Asked Questions about Rationable

What makes Rationable qualified to talk about these topics?

I am not a doctor, scientist or fitness trainer or expert in any field except writing and communications. I just try and collect the best information I can about a topic from the most reliable sources I can find to give you a glimpse into the science. So please use the information I give you as a starting point for your own research.

If you have questions about your health, speak to your doctor before you do anything. If you don't know a specialist in the field you are curious about, Contact me and I will do my best to give you resources from experts in the relevant fields that can answer your questions.

Rationable has made a mistake! How can I tell you to fix it?

That's great! I’m glad you found a mistake! I want to be as accurate as I can be and if you feel that I screwed something up, and have the evidence to support your claim, I will be more than happy to update my content accordingly. Just send fill in the Contact form.


Then why should you believe a damn thing on this website?

Because I have spent many years training myself think critically and finding evidence-based, scientifically accurate resources that have been independently proven to be reliable over time.

If i can’t find a study or article, I also get in touch with my network of science communicators and scientists to help me.

My mission is to demonstrate these skills of separating fact from fiction so develop the tools you need to fight false information, expose con artists and immunise yourself against quackery.