“Science is a way of equipping yourself with the tools to interpret what happens in front of you.”

Rationable Is Your Definitive Guide To Separating Fact From Fake
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My talk about how I became a sceptic at the Australian Skeptics in the Pub meet in April 2022.
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The Skeptoid 13th Birthday Interview
The Skeptic Zone Interviews
So today, it's Krish Ashok, who is quite the Renaissance man. He's written a book called Masala Lab. He's got an Instagram channel called Masala Lab. He has been debunking food myths and knows the science, history, and geography behind pretty much every form of Indian food there is.
There was the death of a popular Christian recording artist in the nineties, 1997. Rich Mullins was his name, horribly killed in a car accident.
I remember being on the radio telling everybody that God had called him home, and it just made no sense. I was on the radio, and in my skull, I was thinking, this is a bunch of crap. This, this doesn't, this doesn't wash.
we have in several European countries Australia North America, so Mexico, Canada. Yeah. There is currently no support group per se in Asia, unless you count Australia as Asia. I guess not. There's not but still, we will support people from anywhere. We have several phone lines. They're all in English from different English-speaking countries. , but anyone can contact us and we'll talk about what we do through the web. You just get to our web page and you can chat to us or you can make a web-based phone call for free. So yeah, we will talk to people from anywhere in the world.
This time, I'm interviewing Sanal Edamaruku, one of the big guys in the Indian rationalist movement. He is the Founder and President of Rationalists International and President of the Indian Rationalist Association. He has done so much over the years to fight for scientific temper and rationality in India. In fact, Sanal had to leave India when a group of Christians in India started threatening him when he debunked their claim that their statue of Jesus was weeping. It turned out, the weeping Jesus was not a miracle. The truth of what was seeping out of the statue is a lot more…troubling. In this video, we talk about his origin story, the importance of scientific temper, the whole account of what led to his leaving the country, the latest updates on rationalist international, and his advice to the new sceptics and rationalists of India who are fighting superstition every day.